Ну вот вам, держите к примеру эту:
[url=https://www.mentalhealthacademy.com.au/journal_archive/acn1020.pdf]Normal Development of Brain Circuits[/url], Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews (2010), 35, 147–168
Большинство нейронов мозга закладывается к 16-ой неделе беременности. При этом имеет место перепроизводство глиальных клеток и клеток нейронов (на 40-50% больше, чем требуется взрослому мозгу), и уже с этого момента, помимо миграции нейронов и как часть формирования структур мозга, начинается апоптоз (т.е. клеточная смерть нейронов имеет место быть даже еще до рождения).
Если вам тяжело читать ревью и лазить по ссылкам, вот кратко:
[url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989000/]The Basics of Brain Development[/url], Neuropsychol Rev. 2010 Dec; 20(4): 327–348
[QUOTE]The human brain contains billions of neurons [B]most of which are produced by mid-gestation[/B] (Bayer et al. 1993; Rakic 1995)... In humans [B]cortical neurogenesis is complete by approximately E108[/B] (прим. ВП: 16-ая неделя беременности).[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]While most neurodevelopmental events involve the proliferation of neural elements, two important processes involve [B]substantial loss of neural elements[/B]. These two processes include naturally occurring cell death, which involves [B]the normal loss of 50% or more of the neurons[/B] within a brain region; and synaptic exuberance and pruning in which there is massive excess production of connections followed by the systematic elimination of up to 50% of those connections. Both of these processes reflect nonpathological events that play an essential role in establishing the complex networks of the developing brain. The timescales of these two sets of events are different. Most naturally occurring cell death in neuronal populations occurs [B]prenatally[/B], while both cell death in glia populations and the events involving exuberant production and pruning of connections are largely [B]postnatal [/B]events.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]As described above, brain development involves [B]overproduction of neurons[/B] and glial cells, neural processes, and synapses. Although neural [B]apoptosis has its peak during prenatal life[/B], apoptosis in glial cell populations has a time course corresponding to the protracted [B]postnatal time course[/B] of differentiation from glial precursors[/QUOTE]