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Бег в жару - демонический совет. Тем более начинать бегать в жару. |
Прикол в том, что бег в жару как раз и является биологической нишей человека. Все остальные млекопитающие, не имея такого количества потовых желез, быстро перегреваются и падают в изнемождении от гипертермии. Львы, тигры, гепарды - никто, кроме человека, не охотится во время полуденного зноя. А предки человека как раз в это время были способны конкурировать с другими гораздо более сильными и зубастыми плотоядными:
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Another day, when I was already fairly big, I went with some of my friends and with my younger brother away from the village and into the bush. While we were walking, I saw the tracks of a baby kudu in the sand. I called out “Hey, Everyone! Come here! Come look at these kudu tracks.” The others came over and we all looked at them.We started to follow the tracks and walked and walked and after a while, we saw a little kudu lying quietly in the grass, dead asleep. I jumped up and tried to grab it. It cried out “Ehnnn...ehnnn...” I hadn’t really caught it well and it freed itself and ran away. We all ran, chasing after it, and we ran and ran. But I ran so fast that they all dropped behind and I was alone, chasing it, running as fast as I could. Finally, I was able to grab it, I jumped on it and killed it... I gave the animal to my cousin and he carried it. On the way back, one of the other girls spotted a small steenbok and she and her older brother ran after it. They chased it and finally her brother killed it. That day we brought a lot of meat back to the village and everyone had plenty to eat. |
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